Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Iterations - Quadraphonic piece premieres friday 15/05/09

Sorry for the short notice, I've been REALLY busy, no time to update my blog.
On friday my quadraphonic piece iterations will be played to the public on the "LjudvÄgor" festival in Visby. It's a piece which I've been working for ever since I moved to here. What makes me proud of it is that I've managed to combine all my old techniques with new found ones and done things I've always wanted to try out, all in 6:42.

Just a small list of things I'm using: My modular (AFG, Z3000, A-106-1, A-106-6, A-132-3, A-143-1, A-189-1 and A-196), Reaktor (custom patches), Max/MSP (for algorithmic stuff), DtBlkFx, Ableton Live, Logic Studio (surround mixing, panning, quadraphonic reverbs etc)

I will try to find some proper medium to get it online somehow, for you to burn onto dvd-audio discs or whatever, in 5.1. Also it might be available in stereo on my upcoming release in june... =P

Ticket booking

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